Delete data using Partitions in SQL Server...

In a previous post I had explained how to partition SQL database tables. Actually we can use those partitions when we need to delete particular set of records from those large tables. Otherwise it will takes more time to delete those.
To create a stored procedure to truncate partition data, I reused a script in this link and applied some modification.
The added modifications are
  • Fixed the issue with joining the sys.partition_range_values for Right partitions
  • Added the non-clustered index
The below Stored Procedure uses to truncate partitions, created using the partition function from the previous post.
   1: IF EXISTS (

   2:        SELECT *

   3:        FROM   sys.objects

   4:        WHERE  OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'[SP_TruncatePartition]')

   5:               AND TYPE IN (N'P', N'PC')

   6:    )

   7:     DROP PROCEDURE [SP_TruncatePartition]

   8: GO


  10: CREATE PROCEDURE [SP_TruncatePartition]

  11:  @tableName VARCHAR(255)

  12:   ,

  13:  @partitionValueString VARCHAR(8)

  14:   ,@partitionGranualirity VARCHAR(1)

  15:  ,@schemaName VARCHAR(255) = 'dbo'


  17: AS

  18: BEGIN


  20:  DECLARE @partitionValue INT


  22:   SET @partitionValue=CAST(@partitionValueString AS INT)


  24:   IF(@partitionGranualirity='M')

  25:  BEGIN

  26:   SET @partitionValue=CAST((SUBSTRING(CAST(@partitionValue AS VARCHAR(8)),1,6)+'01') AS INT) 

  27:  END


  29:  DECLARE @error                   INT,

  30:          @rowsCount               INT,

  31:          @errMsg                  VARCHAR(1024)


  33:  DECLARE @partitionSchema         VARCHAR(255),

  34:          @partitionFunction       VARCHAR(255),

  35:          @partitionColumn         VARCHAR(255),

  36:          @tableStorageType        VARCHAR(16),

  37:          @partitionFunctionID     INT


  39:  DECLARE @partitionFileGroupName  VARCHAR(255),

  40:          @databaseName            VARCHAR(255),

  41:          @partitionNumber         INT,

  42:          @cloneTableName          VARCHAR(255),

  43:          @compression             TINYINT,

  44:          @compressionQuery        VARCHAR(256)


  46:  DECLARE @LogHeader               VARCHAR(23),

  47:          @Now                     DATETIME


  49:  SELECT @tableName = LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(@tableName, ''))),

  50:         @schemaName = LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(@schemaName, ''))),

  51:         @databaseName = DB_NAME(),

  52:         @schemaName = LTRIM(RTRIM(@schemaName)),

  53:         @tableName = LTRIM(RTRIM(@tableName)),

  54:         @compressionQuery = ''

  55:  --

  56:  -- find the partition number for the partion value and other information for table partition 

  57:  SELECT @tableStorageType = i.type_desc,

  58:         @partitionSchema =,

  59:         @partitionFunction =,

  60:         @partitionFunctionID = pf.function_id

  61:         -- partition FOR RIGHT and boundary_id begins with id 1

  62:         ,

  63:         @partitionNumber = CASE 

  64:                                 WHEN pf.boundary_value_on_right = 1 THEN rv.boundary_id

  65:                                      + 1

  66:                                 ELSE rv.boundary_id

  67:                            END,

  68:         @partitionColumn =,

  69:         @partitionFileGroupName =

  70:         -- compression can be 0: no compresson, 1: row level compression 2: page level compression

  71:         -- only apply to clustered index?

  72:         ,

  73:         @compression = CASE 

  74:                             WHEN i.index_id = 1 THEN p.data_compression

  75:                             ELSE 0

  76:                        END

  77:  FROM   sys.schemas s

  78:         INNER JOIN sys.tables t

  79:              ON  t.schema_id = s.schema_id

  80:                  -- check table storage type


  82:         INNER JOIN sys.indexes i

  83:              ON  (

  84:                      i.object_id = t.object_id 

  85:                      -- 0: heap

  86:                      -- 1: clusterd

  87:                      AND i.index_id IN (0, 1)

  88:                  )

  89:         INNER JOIN sys.partitions p

  90:              ON  p.object_id = i.object_id

  91:              AND p.index_id = i.index_id

  92:         INNER JOIN sys.index_columns ic

  93:              ON  (

  94:                      -- identify partioned column

  95:                      ic.partition_ordinal > 0

  96:                      AND ic.index_id = i.index_id

  97:                      AND ic.object_id = t.object_id

  98:                  )

  99:         INNER JOIN sys.columns c

 100:              ON  c.object_id = ic.object_id

 101:              AND c.column_id = ic.column_id

 102:         INNER JOIN sys.system_internals_allocation_units au

 103:              ON  p.partition_id = au.container_id

 104:         INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps

 105:              ON  ps.data_space_id = i.data_space_id

 106:         INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions pf

 107:              ON  pf.function_id = ps.function_id

 108:         INNER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces dds

 109:              ON  dds.partition_scheme_id = ps.data_space_id

 110:              AND dds.destination_id = p.partition_number

 111:         INNER JOIN sys.filegroups fg

 112:              ON  dds.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id

 113:         INNER JOIN sys.partition_range_values rv

 114:              ON  pf.function_id = rv.function_id

 115:              AND p.partition_number = (CASE 

 116:                                 WHEN pf.boundary_value_on_right = 1 THEN rv.boundary_id

 117:                                      + 1

 118:                                 ELSE rv.boundary_id

 119:                            END)

 120:  WHERE  -- only look for heap or clustered index 

 121:         i.index_id IN (0, 1)

 122:         AND = @schemaName

 123:         AND = @tableName

 124:             -- need exact match

 125:         AND CAST(rv.value AS INT) = @partitionValue


 127:  SELECT @error = @@ERROR,

 128:         @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 129:         @Now = GETDATE(),

 130:         @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126)


 132:  IF (@rowsCount <= 0)

 133:  BEGIN

 134:      PRINT @LogHeader + ' table ' + @tableName + ' on db ' + @databaseName + 

 135:      ' with schema ' + @schemaName

 136:      + ' is not partitioned or @partitionValue=' + CAST(@partitionValue AS VARCHAR(16))

 137:      + ' is not in exsiting partition range. will return.' 

 138:      RETURN 100

 139:  END

 140:  ELSE

 141:  BEGIN

 142:      PRINT @LogHeader + ' table ' + @tableName + ' on db ' + @databaseName + 

 143:      ' with schema '

 144:      + @schemaName + ' is partitioned: @partitionSchema=' + @partitionSchema

 145:      + ', @partitionFunction=' + @partitionFunction

 146:      + ', @partitionFunctionID=' + CAST(@partitionFunctionID AS VARCHAR(16))

 147:      + ', @partitionColumn=' + @partitionColumn

 148:      + ', @tableStorageType=' + @tableStorageType 

 149:      + ', @partitionValue=' + CAST(@partitionValue AS VARCHAR(16))

 150:      + ', @partitionNumber=' + CAST(@partitionNumber AS VARCHAR(16)) 

 151:      + ', @partitionFileGroupName=' + @partitionFileGroupName

 152:      + ', @compression=' + CAST(@compression AS VARCHAR(16))

 153:  END

 154:  --

 155:  -- create clone table on same file group, drop it if already exists

 156:  -- we don't need to take care of FK and no clustered for our case

 157:  -- No clustered index is not needed

 158:  -- taking care of columns and primary key

 159:  -- Ironically you could drop a table without droping its primary key!! suprise suprise

 160:  -- Now we know the primary key name, we can generate the drop statement

 161:  DECLARE @dropCloneTable            VARCHAR(MAX),

 162:          @createCloneTable          VARCHAR(MAX),

 163:          @primaryKeyName            VARCHAR(255),

 164:          @dropPrimaryKey            VARCHAR(MAX),

 165:          @primayKeyNamePlaceHolder  VARCHAR(255),

 166:          @hasPrimaryKey             TINYINT,

 167:          @switchPartition           VARCHAR(1024)


 169:  SELECT -- A place holder for primary key which will be replace when the value is known

 170:         @primayKeyNamePlaceHolder = '$$PK_NAME$$',

 171:         @cloneTableName = @tableName + '_' + CAST(@partitionNumber AS VARCHAR(16)),

 172:         @dropCloneTable = 

 173:         'IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N' + 

 174:         '''' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName + '''' + 

 175:         ') AND type in (N' + '''' + 'U' + '''' + '))' + CHAR(13)

 176:         + 'BEGIN' + CHAR(13) + 'DROP TABLE ' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName

 177:         + CHAR(13) + 'END',

 178:         @dropPrimaryKey = 

 179:         'IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N' + 

 180:         '''' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName + '''' + ') AND name = N' + 

 181:         '''' + @primayKeyNamePlaceHolder + '''' + ')' + CHAR(13)

 182:         + 'BEGIN' + CHAR(13) + 'ALTER TABLE ' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName

 183:         + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @primayKeyNamePlaceHolder + CHAR(13) + 'END',

 184:         @switchPartition = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @schemaName + '.' + @tableName + 

 185:         ' SWITCH PARTITION ' + CAST(@partitionNumber AS VARCHAR(16)) + ' TO '

 186:         + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName


 188:  SELECT @hasPrimaryKey = CASE 

 189:                               WHEN tc.Constraint_Name IS NULL THEN 0

 190:                               ELSE 1

 191:                          END,

 192:         @primaryKeyName = CASE 

 193:                                WHEN @hasPrimaryKey = 1 THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(@CloneTableName, @schemaName, ''), '.', '')

 194:                                     + '_' + tc.Constraint_Name

 195:                                ELSE ''

 196:                           END,

 197:         @createCloneTable = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @schemaName + '.' + @CloneTableName

 198:         + '(' + o.list + ')'

 199:         + ' ON [' + @partitionFileGroupName + ']'

 200:         + CASE 

 201:                WHEN @hasPrimaryKey = 0 THEN ''

 202:                ELSE CHAR(13)

 203:                     + 'ALTER TABLE ' + @schemaName + '.' + @CloneTableName + 

 204:                     ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + @primaryKeyName + ' PRIMARY KEY '

 205:                     + CASE 

 206:                            WHEN i.index_id IS NULL THEN 'NONCLUSTERED '

 207:                            ELSE 'CLUSTERED '

 208:                       END

 209:                     + ' (' + LEFT(j.List, LEN(j.List) -1) + ')'

 210:           END

 211:  FROM   sys.schemas s

 212:         INNER JOIN sys.objects so

 213:              ON  s.schema_id = so.schema_id

 214:         CROSS APPLY(

 215:      SELECT ' [' + column_name + '] '

 216:             -- deal with computed columns

 217:             + CASE 

 218:                    WHEN cc.is_computed = 1 THEN ' AS (' + cc.definition + ')'

 219:                         + CASE 

 220:                                WHEN cc.is_persisted = 1 THEN ' PERSISTED'

 221:                                ELSE ''

 222:                           END + ', '

 223:                    ELSE -- non computed columns case

 224:                         data_type +

 225:                         CASE data_type

 226:                              WHEN 'sql_variant' THEN ''

 227:                              WHEN 'text' THEN ''

 228:                              WHEN 'decimal' THEN '(' + CAST(numeric_precision AS VARCHAR) 

 229:                                   + ', ' + CAST(numeric_scale AS VARCHAR) + 

 230:                                   ')'

 231:                              ELSE COALESCE(

 232:                                       '(' + CASE 

 233:                                                  WHEN 

 234:                                                       character_maximum_length 

 235:                                                       = -1 THEN 'MAX'

 236:                                                  ELSE CAST(character_maximum_length AS VARCHAR)

 237:                                             END + ')',

 238:                                       ''

 239:                                   )

 240:                         END

 241:                         + ' '

 242:                         + CASE 

 243:                                WHEN EXISTS (

 244:                                         SELECT id

 245:                                         FROM   syscolumns

 246:                                         WHERE  OBJECT_NAME(id) = 

 247:                                                'TestTruncatePartition'

 248:                                                AND NAME = column_name

 249:                                                AND COLUMNPROPERTY(id, NAME, 'IsIdentity') = 

 250:                                                    1

 251:                                     ) THEN 'IDENTITY(' + CAST(IDENT_SEED('TestTruncatePartition') AS VARCHAR) 

 252:                                     + ',' + CAST(IDENT_INCR('TestTruncatePartition') AS VARCHAR) 

 253:                                     + ')'

 254:                                ELSE ''

 255:                           END

 256:                         + ' '

 257:                         + (CASE WHEN c.IS_NULLABLE = 'No' THEN 'NOT ' ELSE '' END) 

 258:                         + 'NULL '

 259:                         + CASE 

 260:                                WHEN c.COLUMN_DEFAULT IS NOT NULL THEN 

 261:                                     'DEFAULT ' + c.COLUMN_DEFAULT

 262:                                ELSE ''

 263:                           END + ', '

 264:               END

 265:      FROM   information_schema.columns c

 266:             LEFT JOIN sys.computed_columns cc

 267:                  ON  OBJECT_ID(c.TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + c.TABLE_NAME) = cc.object_id

 268:                  AND c.COLUMN_NAME =

 269:      WHERE  c.table_name =

 270:             AND c.TABLE_SCHEMA = @schemaName

 271:      ORDER BY

 272:             ordinal_position

 273:             FOR XML PATH('')

 274:  ) o(list)

 275:  LEFT JOIN information_schema.table_constraints tc

 276:              ON  tc.Table_name = so.Name

 277:              AND tc.Constraint_Type = 'PRIMARY KEY'

 278:              AND tc.TABLE_SCHEMA = @schemaName

 279:         CROSS APPLY(

 280:      SELECT '[' + Column_Name + '], '

 281:      FROM   information_schema.key_column_usage kcu

 282:      WHERE  kcu.Constraint_Name = tc.Constraint_Name

 283:             AND kcu.TABLE_SCHEMA = @schemaName

 284:      ORDER BY

 285:             ORDINAL_POSITION

 286:             FOR XML PATH('')

 287:  ) j(list)

 288:  -- find out if the primary key is clustered

 289:  LEFT JOIN sys.indexes i

 290:              ON  so.object_id = i.object_id

 291:                  -- index_id 1 means clustered

 292:                  -- constraint name is primary key name which is same as the index name

 293:              AND i.index_id = 1

 294:              AND tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME =

 295:              AND tc.TABLE_SCHEMA = @schemaName

 296:  WHERE = @SchemaName

 297:         AND so.type = 'U'

 298:         AND NOT IN ('dtproperties')

 299:         AND = @TableName


 301:  SELECT @error = @@ERROR,

 302:         @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 303:         @Now = GETDATE(),

 304:         @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126)


 306:  PRINT @LogHeader + ' @hasPrimaryKey=' + CAST(@hasPrimaryKey AS VARCHAR(16))

 307:  IF (@hasPrimaryKey = 1)

 308:  BEGIN

 309:      SELECT @dropPrimaryKey = REPLACE(

 310:                 @dropPrimaryKey,

 311:                 @primayKeyNamePlaceHolder,

 312:                 @primaryKeyName

 313:             )

 314:  END

 315:  -- 1: Row compression

 316:  -- 2: Page compression

 317:  IF @compression = 1

 318:  BEGIN

 319:      SET @compressionQuery = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName 


 321:  END

 322:  ELSE 

 323:  IF @compression = 2

 324:  BEGIN

 325:      SET @compressionQuery = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName 


 327:  END

 328:  --

 329:  -- taking care of clustered index

 330:  -- taking care of primary key is not enough since a primary key may not be clustered

 331:  -- so now we have to excludes clustered primary key index since they are already been taken care of

 332:  -- sample index create and drop statement

 333:  --

 334:  -- we may not need to drop the index? just in case

 335:  DECLARE @indexColums                    VARCHAR(256),

 336:          @indexName                      VARCHAR(256),

 337:          @indexUnique                    VARCHAR(8),

 338:          @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex  TINYINT,

 339:          @createClusteredIndex           VARCHAR(8000),

 340:          @dropClusteredIndex             VARCHAR(8000)


 342:  SELECT @indexColums = '(',

 343:         @indexUnique = '',

 344:         @indexName = '',

 345:         @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex = 0,

 346:         @dropClusteredIndex = '',

 347:         @createClusteredIndex = ''


 349:  SELECT -- whenever we have result from here, we do have clusterd index

 350:         @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex = 1,

 351:         @indexColums = @indexColums + ic.columnList,

 352:         @indexName = @cloneTableName + '_' +,

 353:         @indexUnique = CASE 

 354:                             WHEN i.is_unique = 0 THEN ''

 355:                             ELSE 'UNIQUE '

 356:                        END

 357:  FROM   sys.schemas s

 358:         INNER JOIN sys.tables t

 359:              ON  t.schema_id = s.schema_id

 360:         INNER JOIN sys.indexes i

 361:              ON  (

 362:                      i.object_id = t.object_id

 363:                      -- looking for clustered index ONLY

 364:                      AND i.index_id = 1

 365:                          -- ignore primary key, which is taken care of above already

 366:                      AND i.is_primary_key = 0

 367:                  )

 368:         CROSS APPLY(

 369:      SELECT + CASE 

 370:                           WHEN ic.is_descending_key = 0 THEN ' ASC'

 371:                           ELSE ' DESC'

 372:                      END + ','

 373:      FROM   sys.index_columns ic

 374:             INNER JOIN sys.columns c

 375:                  ON  c.column_id = ic.column_id

 376:                  AND c.object_id = ic.object_id

 377:      WHERE  ic.index_id = i.index_id

 378:             AND ic.object_id = t.object_id

 379:      ORDER BY

 380:             ic.key_ordinal

 381:             FOR XML PATH('')

 382:  ) ic(columnList)

 383:  WHERE = @schemaName

 384:         AND = @tableName




 388:   -- Non Clustered Index

 389:  DECLARE @indexColumsNonClusterd                    VARCHAR(256),

 390:          @indexNameNonClusterd                      VARCHAR(256),

 391:          @indexUniqueNonClusterd                    VARCHAR(8),

 392:          @hasNonClusterdIndex  TINYINT,

 393:          @createNonClusterdIndex           VARCHAR(8000),

 394:          @dropNonClusterdIndex             VARCHAR(8000)


 396:  SELECT @indexColumsNonClusterd = '(',

 397:         @indexUniqueNonClusterd = '',

 398:         @indexNameNonClusterd = '',

 399:         @hasNonClusterdIndex = 0,

 400:         @dropNonClusterdIndex = '',

 401:         @createNonClusterdIndex = ''


 403:  SELECT -- whenever we have result from here, we do have clusterd index

 404:         @hasNonClusterdIndex = 1,

 405:         @indexColumsNonClusterd = @indexColumsNonClusterd + ic.columnList,

 406:         @indexNameNonClusterd = @cloneTableName + '_' +,

 407:         @indexUniqueNonClusterd = CASE 

 408:                             WHEN i.is_unique = 0 THEN ''

 409:                             ELSE 'UNIQUE '

 410:                        END

 411:  FROM   sys.schemas s

 412:         INNER JOIN sys.tables t

 413:              ON  t.schema_id = s.schema_id

 414:         INNER JOIN sys.indexes i

 415:              ON  (

 416:                      i.object_id = t.object_id

 417:                      -- looking for clustered index ONLY

 418:                      AND i.index_id = 2

 419:                          -- ignore primary key, which is taken care of above already

 420:                     -- AND i.is_primary_key = 0

 421:                  )

 422:         CROSS APPLY(

 423:      SELECT + CASE 

 424:                           WHEN ic.is_descending_key = 0 THEN ' ASC'

 425:                           ELSE ' DESC'

 426:                      END + ','

 427:      FROM   sys.index_columns ic

 428:             INNER JOIN sys.columns c

 429:                  ON  c.column_id = ic.column_id

 430:                  AND c.object_id = ic.object_id

 431:      WHERE  ic.index_id = i.index_id

 432:             AND ic.object_id = t.object_id

 433:      ORDER BY

 434:             ic.key_ordinal

 435:             FOR XML PATH('')

 436:  ) ic(columnList)

 437:  WHERE = @schemaName

 438:         AND = @tableName



 441:  SELECT @error = @@ERROR,

 442:         @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 443:         @Now = GETDATE(),

 444:         @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 445:         @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex = ISNULL(@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex, 0)


 447:  PRINT @LogHeader + ' @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=' + CAST(@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex AS VARCHAR(16))

 448:  IF (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex >= 1)

 449:  BEGIN

 450:      SELECT @dropClusteredIndex = 

 451:             'IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'

 452:             + '''' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName + '''' + 

 453:             ') AND name = N' + '''' + @indexName + '''' + ')'

 454:             + CHAR(13) + 'BEGIN' + CHAR(13)

 455:             + 'DROP INDEX ' + @indexName + ' ON ' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName

 456:             + CHAR(13) + 'END',

 457:             @createClusteredIndex = 'CREATE ' + @indexUnique + 

 458:             'CLUSTERED INDEX ' + @indexName + ' ON ' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName

 459:             + LEFT(@indexColums, LEN(@indexColums) -1) + ')'

 460:  END


 462:   IF (@hasNonClusterdIndex >= 1)

 463:  BEGIN

 464:      SELECT @dropNonClusterdIndex = 

 465:             'IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'

 466:             + '''' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName + '''' + 

 467:             ') AND name = N' + '''' + @indexNameNonClusterd + '''' + ')'

 468:             + CHAR(13) + 'BEGIN' + CHAR(13)

 469:             + 'DROP INDEX ' + @indexNameNonClusterd + ' ON ' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName

 470:             + CHAR(13) + 'END',

 471:             @createNonClusterdIndex = 'CREATE ' + @indexUniqueNonClusterd + 

 472:             'NONCLUSTERED INDEX ' + @indexNameNonClusterd + ' ON ' + @schemaName + '.' + @cloneTableName

 473:             + LEFT(@indexColumsNonClusterd, LEN(@indexColumsNonClusterd) -1) + ')'

 474:  END


 476:  SELECT @error = @@ERROR,

 477:         @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 478:         @Now = GETDATE(),

 479:         @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126)


 481:  PRINT @LogHeader + 

 482:  ' (@dropPrimaryKey, @dropClusteredIndex, @dropCloneTable, @createCloneTable, @createClusteredIndex, @compressionQuery, @switchPartition, @dropPrimaryKey, @dropCloneTable)'

 483:  PRINT @dropPrimaryKey + CHAR(13) + @dropClusteredIndex + CHAR(13) + @dropCloneTable

 484:  + CHAR(13) + @createCloneTable + CHAR(13) + @createClusteredIndex + CHAR(13)

 485:  + @compressionQuery + CHAR(13) + @switchPartition + CHAR(13) + @dropPrimaryKey

 486:  + CHAR(13) + @dropCloneTable

 487:  DECLARE @returnCode INT

 488:  IF (@hasPrimaryKey = 1)

 489:  BEGIN

 490:      EXEC (@dropPrimaryKey)

 491:      SELECT @returnCode = 300,

 492:             @error = @@ERROR,

 493:             @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 494:             @Now = GETDATE(),

 495:             @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 496:             @errMsg = @LogHeader + 

 497:             ' [1] failed to drop primary key for clone table. will return.'


 499:      IF (@error <> 0)

 500:          GOTO ERROR

 501:  END


 503:  IF (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex = 1)

 504:  BEGIN

 505:      EXEC (@dropClusteredIndex)

 506:      SELECT @returnCode = 310,

 507:             @error = @@ERROR,

 508:             @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 509:             @Now = GETDATE(),

 510:             @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 511:             @errMsg = @LogHeader + 

 512:             ' [1] failed to drop clustered index for clone table. will return.'


 514:      IF (@error <> 0)

 515:          GOTO ERROR

 516:  END


 518:   IF (@hasNonClusterdIndex = 1)

 519:  BEGIN

 520:      EXEC (@dropNonClusteredIndex)


 522:      IF (@error <> 0)

 523:          GOTO ERROR

 524:  END


 526:  EXEC (@dropCloneTable)

 527:  SELECT @returnCode = 320,

 528:         @error = @@ERROR,

 529:         @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 530:         @Now = GETDATE(),

 531:         @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 532:         @errMsg = @LogHeader + 

 533:         ' [1] failed to drop clone table. will return.'


 535:  IF (@error <> 0)

 536:      GOTO ERROR


 538:  EXEC (@createCloneTable)

 539:  SELECT @returnCode = 330,

 540:         @error = @@ERROR,

 541:         @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 542:         @Now = GETDATE(),

 543:         @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 544:         @errMsg = @LogHeader + ' failed to create clone table. will return.'


 546:  IF (@error <> 0)

 547:      GOTO ERROR


 549:  IF (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex = 1)

 550:  BEGIN

 551:      EXEC (@createClusteredIndex)

 552:      SELECT @returnCode = 340,

 553:             @error = @@ERROR,

 554:             @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 555:             @Now = GETDATE(),

 556:             @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 557:             @errMsg = @LogHeader + 

 558:             ' failed to create clustered index for clone table. will return.'


 560:      IF (@error <> 0)

 561:          GOTO ERROR

 562:  END


 564:   IF (@hasNonClusterdIndex = 1)

 565:  BEGIN

 566:      EXEC (@createNonClusteredIndex)



 569:      IF (@error <> 0)

 570:          GOTO ERROR

 571:  END


 573:  IF (@compression IN (1, 2))

 574:  BEGIN

 575:      EXEC (@compressionQuery)

 576:      SELECT @returnCode = 350,

 577:             @error = @@ERROR,

 578:             @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 579:             @Now = GETDATE(),

 580:             @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 581:             @errMsg = @LogHeader + 

 582:             ' failed to adjust clone table compressoin option. will return.'


 584:      IF (@error <> 0)

 585:          GOTO ERROR

 586:  END

 587:  --

 588:  -- now do the partition switch to truncate data

 589:  EXEC (@switchPartition)

 590:  SELECT @returnCode = 360,

 591:         @error = @@ERROR,

 592:         @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 593:         @Now = GETDATE(),

 594:         @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 595:         @errMsg = @LogHeader + 

 596:         ' failed to switch partition to clone table. will return.'


 598:  IF (@error <> 0)

 599:      GOTO ERROR

 600:  --

 601:  -- now drop the coloum table again

 602:  IF (@hasPrimaryKey = 1)

 603:  BEGIN

 604:      EXEC (@dropPrimaryKey)

 605:      SELECT @returnCode = 370,

 606:             @error = @@ERROR,

 607:             @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 608:             @Now = GETDATE(),

 609:             @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 610:             @errMsg = @LogHeader + 

 611:             ' [2] failed to drop primary key for clone table. will return.'


 613:      IF (@error <> 0)

 614:          GOTO ERROR

 615:  END



 618:   EXEC (@dropCloneTable)

 619:  SELECT @returnCode = 390,

 620:         @error = @@ERROR,

 621:         @rowsCount = @@ROWCOUNT,

 622:         @Now = GETDATE(),

 623:         @LogHeader = CONVERT(CHAR(23), @Now, 126),

 624:         @errMsg = @LogHeader + 

 625:         ' [2] failed to drop clone table. will return.'


 627:  IF (@error <> 0)

 628:      GOTO ERROR


 630:  RETURN 0

 631:  ERROR:

 632:  PRINT @errMsg

 633:  RETURN @returnCode

 634: END

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