Changing Backup location for a SSAS Cube

When we try to get a backup of a SQL Server Analysis Service Cube, it only shows the default backup location and we are unable to change it.
But we can add a path to that default locations by adding that path to the AllowedBrowsingFolders server property. You can add multiple paths by using pipe symbol as the delimiter.

To add a new path to the AllowedBrowsingFolders server property, connect to the analysis server instance. Then right click on the analysis server instance and select Properties. Then you will get window. But if the Show Advanced (All) Properties check box is not selected, you will not see the AllowedBrowsingFolders property. If that check is not selected, then select it and you will get a window as below.

Then you can add paths as required by delimiting those using pipe symbol ("|" ).
Those paths should be local paths.

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