Connecting to Pervasive SQL using SSIS

I got an requirement from a client as connect to Pervasive SQL database system and retrieve data from it.

I was able to achieve that requirement using SSIS. For that we have to install the OLEDB driver for Pervasive SQL. After that create a SSIS package and add a OLEDB Source in the Data Flow Task. Then create a New OLEDB connection.
Select the Provider as Native OLEDB\Pervasive PSQL OLEDB Provider.
Then you have to provide the server or file name and the location. But there some confusion about those values. Because for this provider you have to provide the server which contains the Pervasive SQL database as the Location and the Pervasive SQL database as the Server or file name value. Then you have to provide the Initial Catalog value as well. Figure is shown below

Then click on All and under Pooling yow will see OLEDB Services. Select the value as Disable All as shown in the below figure.

Otherwise you will get and error as shown below figure while trying to preview data.

Then select that connection in the OLEDB Source and use SQL Command to retrieve data. Because I tried to get the list of tables and unable to do it due to memory exception.

Hiding Report in the SQL Report Server Tile View...

Sometimes we may want to hide a report from the report server and allow drill down from an another report to the hidden report. For that we can use Hide in tile view property.

For that, move the mouse pointer on top the report name in the report server folder and you will get a down arrow. Click on it and then select Manage. In the Manage page put a tick at the Hide in tile view and click on Apply button.

Then go to the report server folder and you will not see that report anymore. But still you can drill down to that report from another report.

If you want to show that report in the Details view again, click on Details View to get the detail view of those reports and all the report are visible there. Then follow the steps as you did earlier and get the Manage page. In that remove the tick at Hide in tile view property.

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