Programmatically Set Audience to a SharePoint 2010 WebPart

To provide permission to a sharepoint web part for specific SharePoint Group, we have to use AudienceManager as shown below

SPWeb currentSite = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb;
SPSite spSite = currentSite.Site;

SPServiceContext sc = SPServiceContext.GetContext(spSite);

AudienceManager am = new AudienceManager(sc);

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.SPLimitedWebPartManager mgr = null;
mgr = currentSite.GetLimitedWebPartManager("SitePages" + "/" + page, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared);
foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart webPart in mgr.WebParts)
if (webPart.Title == "WebPartTitle")
//Get the Existing Audience for the Web Part
string audWebPart = webPart.AuthorizationFilter;
//If there is no Audience for the Web Part just add it
if (audWebPart == "")
webPart.AuthorizationFilter = ";;;;" + NewAudience;

//If already Audiences are exist for the Web Part then append new Audience
webPart.AuthorizationFilter = audWebPart + "," + NewAudience;

lblMessage.Text = "Succeeded...";

If we just set the value for AuthorizationFilter property, then the existing Audiences will be overwritten.
To avoid it first we have to check whether already audiences exists for that web part. If so we have to append it.

The SharePoint Server 2010 framework requires that three kinds of values be separated by a pair of semicolons (";;"). Multiple values for global audiences and SharePoint groups are delimited by commas, and multiple values for distribution lists are delimited by newline characters ("\n"). Therefore in the above example we used ";;;;" to provide valid string to the AuthorizationFilter property.

Retrieve SharePoint 2010 Permission Levels to a ASP.NET DropDownList

Below code shows how we can get the SharePoint permission levels and assign it to a ASP.NET DropDownList (drpPermissions)

drpPermissions.AppendDataBoundItems = true;

SPWeb currentSite = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb;

SPRoleDefinitionCollection permissionColl = currentSite.RoleDefinitions;

foreach (SPRoleDefinition permission in permissionColl)


Issue with SharePoint Designer 2010...

While working with dashboard pages, a problem was identified.
First a dashboard page was published to a SharePoint 2010 site using PerformancePoint.
That page includes a SQL Server Report and a PerformancePoint Filter was applied for it. After publishing it to the SharePoint Site, the SharePoint page was opened using SharePoint Designer 2010.
Then some modifications for the layout of the page was done and saved it. But when I opened the page in the browser and tried to view the report, that PerformancePoint Filter was not applied for the report.
The issue is when we save the page using SharePoint Designer, the mapping between the report and the filter was lost.
To apply the filter we have to manually do the mapping.

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